TOP 5: Lovable Things about Kimi ni Todoke

Hello boys and girls, have you ever sat down and watched an anime and said “boy, did that give me the warm fuzzies!” OF COURSE NOT! But, you probably have seen a show and FELT that way. With all the shows that are fan service wrapped loosely with a see-through plot, it is great to see an anime that makes me want to root for the main character and feel emotions with her.

Today on TOP 5, we will be looking at Kimi ni Todoke and the TOP 5 Lovable Things about it! So please, make sure to keep a good distance from the screen when viewing this blog post, and lay down some newspaper because once again TOP 5 is going to try and blow your mind once again this week!



Believable Situations


What is this anime if not believable? Even in some slice animes you could say that that some things are a little over the top. Not so in Kimi ni Todoke; everything that happens in this anime could actually happen in a real school-life situation. From rumors to misunderstandings, this anime is nothing if not a real slice of life which allows the viewer to connect to the characters and get emotionally invested in them.



No Filler



“Is that even possible Z?”

I dunno audience voice, why don’t you watch Kimi ni Todoke and tell me? Once you’ve filled yourselves with the fulfilling plot of this anime and had your very own

“= w =” face moment you’ll reflect on the fact that this anime is all purposeful moments paced at a good pace. At some points it might feel like they’re dragging on, but its better than having a repetitive plot and running out of generic material by episode 6.

In summery, no, there is no Hot Springs Vacation episode.





This anime is about two things; romance and friendship. That is probably why it’s a shojo anime. The main protagonist Sawako tries her hardest just to make friends and only thinks about others, which sometimes leads to some misunderstandings. Even with this, Sawako perceivers and make friends with two very important characters.

Two of the best supporting characters in this anime are Ayane and Chizuru. They are the embodiment of good friends and are always helping Sawako. I would compare them to older sister characters, but the fact that they are friends and not family plays as a distinct roll in this anime. Without them, Sawako would not grow as a character, as they always push her and help her whenever they can. These two grow on you quickly and you always know they have Sawako on their mind.




Say hello to our lead male character in this anime. Although portrayed at first as a godly, out of reach character, the more Sawako gets closer to him, the more we see he is more human. In most Romance anime we have a wimpy male protagonist with no real defining traits. The fact that Kazehaya is portrayed as the exact opposite of Sawako makes the growth in this anime more defined and makes for a more interesting character. Also, the fact that he is also in love with Sawako and is too shy to say it out right makes this anime boy a much more believable and somewhat relatable character.





This girl is so cute, where do I begin with such a great character? She is so sweet and childish in nature that you fall in love with her from the very beginning. The fact that her name “Sawako,” which means Pleasant Child, is confused to be Sadako, the evil in the movie “The Ring,” makes this story of contradictions all the better. Sawako is a girl who is shunned and becomes more and more accepted over time that we see actual character growth from. No matter what she does you always feel what she feels and connect with her on an emotional level.


I always find that a character that is overly innocent is annoying at some level, but Sawako changed my mind almost immediately as I could not stop caring about what was happening in her world. This character grows on you the most and you feel you take a step every time she does.


She is by far the defining character of this anime.




Well, everyone that’s the end of this weeks show! Send me your ideas for TOP 5s in a comment below, on the forums or by mail at! If you like the show, drop a comment, 5 star me, Like me thumbs up me or just pat your screen and say “That’ll do pig. That’ll do…”


Well, guys I’ve gotta go work on some Halloween stuff and listen to my minimum 5 podcast fix… oh yeah, and college apps… So until next week!

