An Old Man Looks At Anime

Usagi Tsukino and Maka Albarn – are their similarities?

Ok – so I remember when Sailor Moon first aired and I thought to myself – this is cool, I mean Usagi did whine but she was hot. And if you squinted just right when she transformed – woo hoo!!!!! Ok – everyone relax, I was in my mid twenties and according to Kimiko, you add 10 years so we were the same age! Geez! Where was I?

Oh yes – Usagi’s chest!

So Usagi wields the almighty Silver Chrystal to bringing forth peace and love into the world to protect everyone she cares about. Of course, there is a catch – if she does it like really correctly, she will summon a power never before seen and end her life. Wow – you need to read that fine print several times in the instruction manual before you fire that sucker up!

Then we have adorable, antagonistic Maka Albarn. Not unlike Sailor – you are exposed to her passionate side early on but then you quickly learn that she carries a lot of baggage. She is Meister to her Weapon – Soul and what is her purpose? Well at first you think it is to turn Soul into a death scythe by capturing 99 corrupt souls and one witch’s soul but you begin to see that she is trying to fill a void in her heart and protect the one’s she loves. The problem is, for her to reach her full potential, the Demon Hunt Schythe, she will have to summon all of her soul perception which could end her life. And the problem is – nobody seems to bother to tell her this!

So Sailor Moon can be attributed to many things such as being one of the first Anime that appealed to a lot of girls including many who didn’t like Anime. It also had a guy following but um for possibly the wrong reasons! Where would Cosplay be without the Sailors? In fact, just last week AAA Podcast News announced that Hot Topic would be offering a Sailor Moon costume for Halloween!!!!! Wait a minute, I’m distracted with the costume thing – oh yeah. So Sailor Moon had a lot of female characters to choose from – every flavor imaginable.

Soul Eater also offers a lot of choices in female characters to enjoy. There is the patron Marie Majoiner, there is the feisty Tsubaki Nakatsukasa and one cannot forget the excellent Thompson Sisters. Soul Eater also boasts as a source for many the Cosplayer.

Both of these anime are great choices. One is readily available for your viewing pleasure. One is so rare that you truly need to know someone with a VHS – preferably stereophonic!

Check them out – they have great music as well.

One last note – in a taste test between the two – many respondents chose Soul Eater for its large amounts of Blair. Pum Pum Pumpkin Yummy!!!!!
