

Alternate Titles: None

Original Japanese Release Date: 2010

Episode Length/Run-time: 13


There is one thing that no teacher in Japan ever wants, and that is to be the homeroom elementary teacher of the dreaded Marui triplets: Futaba, Mitsuba, and Hitoha.  Futaba is the youngest, a tomboy, stronger than most grown men, clueless and obsessed with boobs.  Mitsuba the middle child is quiet but filled with quirks such as her obsession with the Gachi Rangers (kind of like power rangers), or the fact that she reads porn all the time and can be more fearsome than the other two when provoked.  Hitoha is the eldest and is the self proclaimed queen of the world, and she is willing to do whatever it takes to see this come to pass.  Satoshi Yabe, a newly hired teacher has his hands full with these three as crazy happenings follow.


The summary above is really all the plot Mitsudomoe has.  There’s a full cast of main and sub characters that come in and out of the story as the humor requires them.  But the only other semblance of a story is the passing of time through the series.  This show is based entirely on the characters and the funny situations they get into.

That being said, it does it wonderfully.

Every episode had me rolling in side-splitting laughter.  It was the dubbed Shin Chan in Japanese.  These young girls talking about boobs, nipples and more was just too funny.  But they don’t rely too much on the crass humor.  When they do they find a new fresh take.  Or find a new slapstick hyjink to put the characters through.  I kept expecting it to get tired and old, but they kept making me laugh from start to finish.

The animation is child-like and simple, fitting the show.  Flashy things aren’t really needed here.

The main criticism is that it’s not going to change your life. There’s no story and there’s no developed plot.  But what this anime does it does WELL.  And it’s one I highly recommend for anyone looking for a good laugh.  The other plus is each episode is broken into about 3, 7 minute segments, so you can devote as much or as little time as you want to it.
