Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu

Alternate Titles: None

Original Japanese Release Date: 2011

Episode Length/Run-time: 8 Episodes


The continued antics of the Marui Triplets.  Futaba is the tomboyish one, Hitoha is the quiet pervert, and Mitsuba the self-proclaimed princess employ their antics and wreak havoc in a comical manner on everything around them.


The second season of Mitsudomoe follows much the way of the first season.  Each episode is broken into two, generally three, vignettes that follow a slice of life of the Marui triplets.  While there is a lose overall story of their day to day lives and the passing of time represented by seasons and events there is no overarching plot with a set beginning, middle, climax, resolution, and end.

In this way though, Mitsudomoe is one of the most fantastic pick up and go shows you can find.  Each episode goes from garnering a sincere chuckle to side-splitting hilarity.  While I expected the antics to get tired and boring, after all there’s only so many jokes about a girl being a perv (right?), they never got to that point.  Somehow the writers continued to find ways to make the content new and fresh while still being funny.  No small feat, I assure you.

The animation or music is nothing to swoon over, but that’s clearly not the point of this series.  Pouring money into a high animation budget would’ve likely detracted from the home-grown silly that the slightly cartoonish style produces.

You can completely watch this season without seeing the first.  But why would you want to?  Sure it’s not chronological but you may as well start a good thing from the beginning.  However, if you do decide to pick this one up in the middle the only thing you may not understand (and the only thing I didn’t really like) is the first episode.  The first episode is a mock TV show referenced throughout the series called the Gachi Rangers (much like the power rangers).  This episode seemed less funny and out of place, but it hardly detracted from the overall quality of the show.

On a humor scale, this anime easily gets a 5/5.

However, I try to score like a critic, and since it doesn’t really have a plot it’s bumped down to a 3/5 on an overall scale.  Bur seriously, if you like funny you do not want to miss this one.
