TOONAMI: The Campaign to Bring it Back


On April 1st, 2012 [ADULT SWIM] aired a prank talking about bringing back Toonami for a single night. This “prank,” may have actually been a test to see how many viewers would tune in to see it. See
this video will explain what I am talking about.

Currently, There are many fan site such as Neotoonami, which was brought up on a past episode of AAA, trying to get many old fans to help get Cartoon Network to bring it back. You can even go it and watch a Ustream that airs anime that used to be on Toonami for FREE!


look at this as well:


[adult swim]
[adult swim]
 ‏ @adultswim

#BringBackToonami We’ve heard you. Thank you for your passion and interest – stay tuned.

What we need now is to help in the quest to bring back Toonami! Cartoon Network and [ADULT SWIM] need to hear our voices now if we want our anime back on the air, so go to the links below and help in the cause! LET’S ALL HELP TO GET TOONAMI BACK!


P.S. Remember to tweet #BringBackToonami !!