Fiction Friday: Dubs Scandal with American Audience!!

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction for the use of parody only. Any data or events cited are most likely pure fabrication. Please read for enjoyment and the satirical viewpoint, not for facts.



Millions of Americans woke up today to devastation. After many years of living a lie, anime dubs as a whole when on record to say that the jelly donuts in anime were actually a Japanese dish known as “onigiri,” or as it is known in English “rice balls.” Dubs when on to say that, for years they have been onigiri and have been telling Americans otherwise as not to make theUSaudience unhappy and break off the relationship. After the new was broken there were a plethora of reactions from dub viewers.


Some viewers were shocked by this news, falling to their knees and yelling that quote, “everything I know is a lie!” Others broke down and were taken to mental institutions to get psychological help for the mind-crush they experienced during the years of this relationship. A small percentage of Americans pretended to know all along that this was the case; all while avoiding eye contact when interviewed and spouting that they were going to dump dubs anyway. Some even denied to talk to reporters, telling them they were lying and that anime would never do this to them.


There have been many cases such affairs where an anime comes over to US with an altered image to entice a USaudience, all the while going on a side relationship with its true audience. Japan. For instance, to preserve the minds of the USwho watch Yugioh! the harpy characters were redrawn with amour to cover up their nudity, while the Japanese got to see the true face of the anime. This sort of conversion of anime is known as “localization” and has played a key roll in making many Americans to enter a relationship with anime. Unfortunately, some Americans cannot deal with the years of lies and messy break-ups ensue.


“It feels like the anime has been lying to us all these years.” Says one fan. “I mean, when I found out that the lollipop that that one guy from one piece has was actually a cigarette inJapan, I was shaken. This new news that the donuts were something so un-American… and that the dubs have lied to me all these years… I need a moment…”


In response Dubs came out ad told us this. When animes come toAmericathe relationship between it and the audience is already at a rocky start. Being from two countries with two totally different cultures, it was necessary for them to pretend to be something they were not. As time went on though, andAmericaand Anime’s relationship grew Dubs could be more honest and open about thing like cigarettes and onigiri and pajamas that are actually kimonos. True, there are still things Dubs have not told in all honesty to The US audience, but Dubs wants to make it clear that they are working hard to re-strengthen the relationship with it theUSso they can fall back in love once again.


How do you feel on this issue? Do you think that we should be happy with how Dubs are today, or should we dump Dubs now? Leave a comment below with your opinion!


