
Alternate Titles: None

Original Japanese Release Date: April 6th, 2010

Episode Length/Run-time: 26 Episodes


Yui, Mio, Ritsu, Azusa and Tsumugi are back but trouble is brewing! The girls are graduating and the quintet must find enough new members for the club to replace those leaving Azusa behind.


So this season of K-On!! is mostly more of the same; tons of cake eating, tea drinking, tons of clumsy moe girls and mostly good rock music. If you want to get the major jist of this show, go read the review of the first season of K-On!. Instead of repeating all the same stuff here, I’ll merely note the differences between the two seasons.

This season has two key differences that I notice. First, it’s longer. In fact it’s much longer. Double the length in fact. I thought that 14 episodes of moe filler was enough but apparently somebody didn’t think so. You’ll get a full dosage of 26 episodes of moe laughs and giggles from this show. Second, this show emphasizes music MUCH less than the prior season. Because there is so much less emphasize on practicing the music, the girls don’t perform their music nearly as much and in my opinion the show loses its identify a little.

In summary, this is a moe series that lost the battle, giving up any semblance of a story for more moe gags. If you want to know what K-On! is all about, I recommend you watch the first season as it is a much better series.
