Blade of the Immortal

Alternate Titles: 無限の住人 (Mugen no Jūnin)

Original Japanese Release Date: 2008

Episode Length/Run-time: 13


Manji has a curse for the crass and violent life he’s lived and that is to wander the earth forever.  He’s begun to grow tired of his immortality so he seeks to break the curse.  However, the only way to do this is to slay 1,000 evil men.


Based off the manga Blade of the Immortal this anime just ends up falling short.  Even though it deals with heavy subject matter it still maintains a light and funny atmosphere. The main character is relatable while still being an interesting character, almost like a Dirty Harry type of person. But unfortunately the anime does not follow.  The characterization is poor and full of the cliche badass.  You have no connection to the characters because they are simply joyless. It’s a lovely mess in which you sit there and go “oh it’s pretty” but you wouldn’t care if every character just up and died.

The anime isn’t even worth watching compared to the manga which is finished now.
