Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos

Alternate Titles: Fullmetal Alchemist: Milos no Sei-Naru Hoshi

Original Japanese Release Date: Jul 2011

Episode Length/Run-time: 110 Minutes


The Elric brothers are back and they are sent out to a boarder city known as tower city persuing a fugitive who escaped from prison with only a few months left on his sentence using strange alchemy.  When they arrive they learn there’s more going on that meets the eye as they learn of the people who have been stripped of their ancestral lands and now live in the valley floor at the boarder of the two cities, struggling to regain their homeland by any means.


I think Kimiko said it best when she said movies like this are basically official fanfiction.  This movie has no real place in the FMA saga and it is basically a mini vignette where everything returns to how it was when its done. But, that doesn’t mean it was a bad movie.  The movie had excellent pacing, between the engaging characters, interesting story, and top-notch fight scenes you will not be bored.  Fans of the series will be pleased in how all the fan favorites have been placed in the movie, sometimes a little forced – Winry did not need to be in there – but not bad.  The original characters for the movie are also surprisingly deep and loveable for only knowing them a short time,you quickly find yourself invested in their plight and cheering for them in their struggles.  One of the main criticisms is the animation in some of the fight scenes seems a little rough for an anime movie, normally the budget is so high everything is flawless. Its not bad though, just not as good as one would expect.  But it is overall a very enjoyable watch no matter if you are an FMA fan or total noob.
