Berserk films. Fanboy bait or future masterpiece?

As I sit in front of my computer with a big smile on my face,  I think to myself  “I’m a blogger for the A.A.A Podcast.” And as such I reckon I should get cracking on writing my first blog post. However inspiration isn’t hitting me like a brick. Not that there isn’t anything to write about it’s the fact that there is a LOT to write about. Just like a fanatic who has discovered his(or her) first streaming site, I’m spoiled for choice. There is almost too much to write about. I’ve been stumbling around ANN trying to find something epic for my first post. And then. I saw it.  The 2012 Berserk Film Trilogy’s main cast and staff listed.

Perfect 🙂

For those who don’t know, Berserk is the tale of Guts, an orphan mercenary, and Griffith, Leader of a mercenary group, and is set in medieval Europe. At least that’s my understanding of it anyway. Ask anyone what they think of the anime and they will tell you it’s one of the closest things to a masterpiece. The only thing in it’s way of that achievement: The ending. Although personally I can see where the creators were coming from. They pretty much followed the manga up until that point and the manga hadn’t finished so why go against canon? Although we’re not here for that. We’re here for the Berserk films.

Here’s the cast list. Original voice actors for the anime will go after in italics.

Guts – Hiroaki Iwanaga: Nobutoshi Canna.

Griffith – Takahiro Sakurai: Toshiyuki Morikawa.

Casca – Toa Yukinari: Yuko Miyamura.

Now I can already see the fanboys raging. The fanboy rage will be even worse when they see that the crew will be people who have worked on shows that are completely different to Berserk. Seriously. Some dude even complained that it looks to fresh and modern…Well we all know who’s an idiot in that case. All I’ll say is this, before you rage watch the trailer. *Link at the end of this post.*


The only thing I’m expecting from this movie is:

  • I expect an accurate re-telling of the manga.
  • I expect the characters to be more or less the same.
  • I expect a proper ending.
  • I expect “Forces” to be somewhere in one of the three movies. Even if it’s only for like 3 seconds. We need it!

What about all of you? What are you expecting from the Berserk movies? Are you for the movies? Against them? Just comment. It makes me feel popular.

Sorry this has been a short blog post as well. Can’t help it. Inspiration hasn’t been hitting me hard.

*Berserk film trailer.