Azumanga Daioh

Alternate Titles:  None


Original Japanese Release Date: April 8th, 2002

Episode Length/Run-time: 26 Episodes

Cooking is so fun…cooking is so fun…now it’s time to take a break and see what we have done.

The best way to breakdown this anime’s story is to explain the characters. You have the child genius, Chiyo-chan who is about half the age of everybody else (And half the height), but shes twice as smart and of course cute, then there is Tomo Takino, the tom boy, who is always full of energy and also a total dimwit.  She often copies homework on her friends and her energic personality adds a lot of spice to the series.   The other key characters of the series include, Sakaki, Osaka and Yomi.  Sakaki is a tall, sporty, girl who loves cats.  The only problem is that the cats always seem to bite her! It is hilarious!  Osaka is the awkward, really dumb girl who comes from Osaka and as a results shes a little backwards, including her southern accent!

As Azumanga Daioh is based after a manga, the series is broken down into short 3-5 minute episodes that stitch together seemlessly to form a story, an often times random story.  This anime is incredibly random, from a floating cat that is apparently Chiyo’s father to crazy occurances in the classroom, Azumanga is one of the most random and as a result one of the funniest animes out there.  It is a total classic.  In addition, the humor in Azumanga Daioh, continually hits the nail on the head, unlike some other anime which fall flat over and over again.

I truly recommend Azumanga Daioh to people of any gender, of any age.  It is a classic comedy that is timeless and as a result, it shouldn’t be missed by anybody and deserves a place on everybody’s anime shelf.  Display it proudly.
