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kram mediumTagline: “Right on!”

Favorite Anime before 2001: Cowboy Bebop (series), Princess Mononoke (movie)

Favorite Anime after 2001: Madoka Magica (series), Tokyo Godfathers (movie)

Favorite Genres: sci-fi, fantasy, historical

Least Favorite Genres: harem

Number of Anime Seen: >100

Hobbies: gaming, movies, vlogging

About myself: I live in the Ibaraki prefecture of Japan. I have a YouTube channel chronicling my life in Japan. Check it out here: I have a bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Media/Communication Arts with a focus on film and television production/criticism. My favorite food is katsu curry rice, and my favorite drink is Calpis water. I take my coffee black. Boxer briefs.