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Kimiko Awayuki

kimiko mediumPersonal Tagline: S-M-U-T!  SMUT!

Favorite Anime before 2001: Cowboy Bebop

Favorite Anime after 2001: Hourou Musukou (Wandering Son)

Favorite Genres: Slice of Life (the thought provoking and non-moe kind…)

Least Favorite Genres: Can moe itself be a genre?

Number of Anime Seen:  >100

Hobbies: Watching anime and BBC shows, doing aerial acrobatics and stuntwork, singing, martial arts, and being a generally awesome, baddass ninja ^_~

About yourself:When it comes to the influences anime has had on my life, I don’t quite know where to begin.  I jumped onto the band wagon a bit later than most, a friend of mine giving me her copies of the Fruits Basket anime dub to watch when I was in high school.  Sure, I’d seen DBZ and Sailor Moon, collected Pokemon cards and watched Yu Gi Oh every saturday, but it wasn’t until Fruits Basket that I really started to understand that anime was so much more than saturday morning cartoons animated a bit differently.  Anime could be anything from child-like tales of adventure to heartbreaking dramas to beautifully woven masterpieces about self discovery.  It could even be shameless smut and gay romances.  Anime could be absolutely anything, and knowing that opened the doors to watching as much (in as many styles and genres) as I could.  The writer in me would not easily be fulfilled!  I had to experience it all.

It wasn’t just watching anime that became a big part of my life, though.  It was the conventions, the fanfiction, the clubs, and the friends I made through all of it. And, of course, the highlight of it all being when I was asked to be a part of this wonderful podcast, something I will always be eternally grateful for.  It was another chance to not only better my knowledge of anime and Japanese culture (alongside some peeps who would become my lifelong friends), but to share what I learned and what I already knew with whoever wanted to listen.  I was always the newb, the one who’s first experiences with anime were Funimation dubs and Miyazaki films.  And that’s okay!  If anyone is ever ashamed of their anime history, their lack of knowledge, their preference for dubs, I’m here to tell you that it’s all 100% okay.  Anime isn’t about how much you’ve seen, what way you watch, or where you got your start.  It’s about enjoying yourself, having fun, getting to experiences new shows and ideas and story lines.  And I’m living proof that it’s fine to do just that, even if your friends will always be WAY more knowledgeable than you *cough cough Chiaki and Mitsugi cough*

When it comes to me, personally, other than that, everything’s a bit of a jumble of experiences.  I’m a college graduate with a degree in music which I may never actually use, I’ve dabbled in aerial acrobatic/circus arts, I was on MTV’s MADE, trained and performed in the stunt industry for a while because of it, I’m a Certified Beer Sever and hopefully one day plan to be a Master Cicerone, I’ve been trained and certified in Vodka, Tequila, and Beer (as well as general spirits) for sales, and will probably end up doing something completely different a month from now.  Oh, and I write smut for profit, so if ever you feel the need, hit me up. I can write any pairing from any show regardless of whether I’ve seen it.  PM me for the deers *winks*  But yeah.

Sometimes it feels like the one constant in my crazy, constantly changing life over the last decade has been anime, be it because of the podcast or a new show popping up on tumblr, or just sharing memories with old friends.  Either way, it’s a constant I intend to hold on to.  Tightly.  If it has already brought me so much, allowed me to share this with all you viewers and listeners and readers, than who knows what else it might bring.

“Because you never know what will happen tomorrow! If not tomorrow, then maybe the next day. Maybe after a year… or even ten years. But… even so, as long as you’re alive, things keep happening. As long as you’re alive… wishes keep getting made.”

Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)