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felix mediumPersonal Tagline: Heroes have an infinite capacity for stupidity. Thus are legends born!

Favorite Anime before 2001: Macross: Do You Remember Love?

Favorite Anime after 2001: Tiger & Bunny

Favorite Genres: Mecha, Sci-Fi, Fantasy/Historical Fiction

Least Favorite Genres: Anything laden with fan service

Number of Anime Seen: Far fewer than my esteemed colleagues!

Hobbies: Hmmm – I used to consider podcast production and movie reviewing/blogging hobbies, but now I do those things for a living. Do they still count? lol OH, I suppose there’s bowling and karaoke. Those are two things I do for fun when I get the chance that no one will ever pay me to do.

FUN FACT: I’m currently playing through “Dragon Age 2” on the PS3 for the third time, even though I have “Assassin’s Creed 3” virtually unplayed sitting on my shelf. This is, in fact, not new for me — last year I played through “Mass Effect 3” four times while new games sat collecting dust – even went back and played through “Mass Effect 2” with a new character class just so that I could import THAT new character into ME 3 and play through again.

Yup, when I like a game, I REALLY like a game.

About yourself: In my other lives I’ve been an English teacher, a Blockbuster Video manager, a elementary school textbook editor, a scholar, and a podcast host. Nowadays I produce a morning show and review movies on regular old radio and work at a nightclub on the weekends. Oh, and occasionally I review movies for one of the local TV stations here in Orlando. What does all that have to do with anime? Not a lot! But before all THAT I was an anime fanboy, back when the only anime you could find on TV was dubbed and rewritten/retitled for Western audiences (i.e. the weekday afternoon cartoon watchers), so that qualifies me to sit in with the AAA every now and again and start sentences with “Well, back in my day …”.