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Chiaki Tachibana


chiaki mediumPersonal Tagline: “Size the Day”

Favorite Anime before 2001: Revolutionary Girl Utena

Favorite Anime after 2001: Mawaru Penguindrum

Favorite Genres:  Psychological, Romance, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural

Least Favorite Genres: Slapstick, Harem,

Number of Anime Seen: >150

Hobbies: Drawing, painting, singing, traveling, studying Japanese

Fun Fact: One of my other addictions is video games.  One question I’m often asked is where my handle comes from.  In fact, it comes from my video game love!  One of my favorite turn-based J-RPGs of all time is Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne.  Chiaki Tachibana was the character whose reason I chose in the game.  Plus, I liked the name!

About yourself:  Anime has always been a part of my life, some of my earliest memories was of drawing Dragon Ball Z characters in my first sketchbook, or trying to find Dragon Balls in my back yard – don’t lie, you did it too if you were of that age and watched that show!

It was something I’m not, and have never been, ashamed of to enjoy.  While I’ve never shouted it from mountain tops it has never been a hobby I hid from the world curled up in a dark room, vehemently denying should anyone discover my secret.  Like many things, anime is a part of my life, though it does not consume my every waking hour it is important to me and if someone has not cared for that fact then I likely do not care for them.

I think anime has the power to do things no other medium can.  It can take us to places that even movies would never have the budget to bring to life.  It can show us characters and creatures that would be silly in any other form.  It can be created by masters or children and have the opportunity to be equally respected, to equally change the world.  Why some people think this amazing medium is “just for kids” or “juvenile” will always escape me.

So at the start of this podcast, I wanted to do two things… I wanted to make a voice, a community for anime fans to hear and to share.  To know that they are not alone in what they love and that they should never, never, apologize for it to anyone for any reason.  I also wanted to create a forum to show the world, even existing anime fans how broad and wonderful the medium really is.

I don’t know if we have succeeded in either of those things, but along the way I’ve met a lot of amazing people, made new friends, and have re-affirmed that there are other fans out there just like me which has been good enough.  I have never claimed to know everything, but I will always try to be growing and learning more for all of those listening.